Family of Cornelius^5 Van Wicklin

**Cornelius had been listed as a son of Garret^5 and a grandson of Paul^4. However, legal documents uncovered by Joyce Carr and received via 15Aug07 email, indicate that Cornelius was a son of Paul. See these documents in source section below.***

Cornelius^5 Van Wicklin (Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. abt  1780, Dutchess County, NY

Married: Anne Merretts (b. abt. 1785), abt 1818

1. Sylvanus^6 Van Wicklin, b. 1818

2. Clarissa^6 Chloe Van Wicklin, b. 5 March 1819, Corunna, Lambton, Ontario, CAN and d. 1882 in Greenwood, Clark County

3. Isaac^6 Van Wicklin, b. 1821 in Cramahe Twp, Northumberland, Ontario, CAN

4. Lovina^6 Van Wicklin, b. 1825 in Cramahe, Ontario, CAN

5. David^6 Van Wicklin, b. 1825 in Cramahe Twp, Ontario, CAN and d. Apr 1867 in Pecatonica, Winnebago, IL

6. Paul^6 J. Van Wicklin, b. Sep 1831, Cramahe Twp, Canada West and d. 5 Dec 1896 in Clintonville, Kane, IL

(According to census data, Cornelius and Anne undoubtedly had several children. Land documents in source section below clearly state that Cornelius and his wife had 10 children as of 1839. At this point, Sylvanus is located here as an educated guess more than a well documented fact. There is hardly any other place to put him in the scheme of things. On the other hand, recent documentation located by Fred Van Wicklin verifies that Paul J. is indeed a son of Cornelius and Anne. It is also possible that children listed for Abram Van Wicklin could actually be children of Cornelius and Anne. For example, Joyce Carr has a listing of Joseph [b. 1805], David [b. abt 1812], Sylvanus, b. abt 1818], Isaac [b. abt 1821] and Gilbert [b. 22 Sep 1827] as sons of Cornelius^5)

Cornelius' parents are Paul and Hendrickye [Remsen] Van Wicklin
Anne's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Merretts

Background information:

Cornelius^5 Van Wicklin (Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), was b. abt 1780, Dutchess, NY and he presumably moved to Cramahe Township with his parents, and when older brother, Garret Van Wicklin leased farm land in Cramahe Township in 1801. (Cornelius would have been in his teen years at the time.) Cornelius m. Anne Merretts [b. abt 1794 and d. 1842 in Cramahe Twp, Northumberland, Ontario, Canada] abt. 1818. Cornelius d. before 1860 in Mower County, MN.

The Cramahe Township Census of 1804 lists Cornelius by himself as head of his own household. The 1808 Murray Township Census lists a Cornelius and Hannah Van Wicklin but this is probably a confusion with a Cornelius and Hannah (Lawson) Van Siclen who also appear in the Murray Township Census. The 1810 Cramahe Township Census lists Cornelius Van Wicklin and wife. Cornelius is listed as having served in the War of 1812-1814 as seen in the Index of Land Claim Certificates of Upper Canada Militiamen. It lists Cornelius Van Wickler, lst Flank Co., lst Regiment, Northumberland Militia. The 1813 Cramahe Township Census lists Cornelius by himself with no wife but his wife is listed with him in the 1814 census. In the 1815 Census Cornelius is listed with 2 females over 16, and 1 female under 16 (in one year?). (There are definitely some discrepancies in these census data to be sorted out.) According to William Gray (see source below), Abraham, Cornelius, and John Van Wickler were privates in the Upper Canadian Militia (1812-1815) listed in the District of Newcastle, 1st Northumberland, 1st and 2nd Flank Companies. This reference is almost certainly to this Cornelius Van Wicklin and his brother, Abram. The "John Van Wickler" may be another brother, not yet identified, or a cousin. Cornelius is listed as a member of the 1828 Northumberland County Militia. In the 1839 Cramahe Township Census, Cornelius (who is now about 55) is listed with 5 males over 16, 2 females over 16, 1 male under 16 and 4 females under 16. Cornelius can be found in Seymour Township at the time of the 1871 Census (as can Miles VW, son of John^6).

Click here for a Deed of Bargain and Sale for two parcels or tracts of Cramahe Township farm land, one in 1840 between Cornelius and Anne Van Wicklin and the other in 1942 by Cornelius alone.

Note: The 1842 transaction does not list Cornelius' wife, Anne, suggesting that she may have been deceased by the time. The 1840 transaction lists Cornelius and Anne, his wife...and refers to her as a spinstress. Presumably this does not mean she was an unmarried woman in that she is described as married to Cornelius. The other definition, one who spins, is the more likely meaning.

Children: Sylvanus^7 Van Wicklin (b. 1816, Cramahe Twp, Ontario, CAN and d. 5 May 1896 in Brighton, Ontario, CAN);  Clarissa^6 Chloe Van Wicklin, b. 5 March 1819, Corunna, Lambton, Ontario, CAN and d. 1882 in Greenwood, Clark County. She married first to Hiram Washburn on 14 March 1843 in Cramahe, Ontario, CAN. Hiram was b. [unknown] and d. abt 1848. Clarissa married 2nd to Isaac Rogers on 16 Jan 1849 in McHenry County, IL. Issac was b. 29 Apr 1794 in Hanover, NH. He died on 30 Apr 1861 in Neosho, Missouri.  Isaac^6 Van Wicklin, b. 1821 in Cramahe Twp, Northumberland, Ontario, CAN; Lovina^6 Van Wicklin, b. 1825 in Cramahe, Ontario, CAN; David^6 Van Wicklin, b. 1825 in Cramahe Twp, Ontario, CAN and d. Apr 1867 in Pecatonica, Winnebago, IL;  Paul^7 J. Van Wicklin, b. 1831, Cramahe Twp, Canada West and d. 5 December 1886 at age 55 of consumption.


Cramahe and Northumberland County Census data from 1804 to 1839.

Gray, William, Soldiers of the King: The Upper Canadian Militia 1812-1815 (xeroxed pages supplied by Margaret Graham-Trottman)

Index of Land Claim Certificates of Upper Canada Militiamen (1812-1814) Rolls of Northumberland County militia for War of 1812 and 1828 Militia regiments.

1838 legal notice of Cornelius [courtesy of Joyce Carr via 15 Aug 07 email]. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that I, Cornelius Van Wicklin of the Township of Cramahe, in the Newcastle District and Province of Upper Canada, will claim Lot 10 inthe 8th Concession of Cramahe before the commissioners appointed to decide on claims of heirs, devisees, and assignees of the original nominees of the Crown where no patents have issued at their next meeting at Toronto in the month of July next as devisee of Paul Van Wicklin, deceased, the originial nominee of the Crown. Dated at Cramahe August 23, 1839 His mark "X" Cornelius Van Wicklin and 10 Sept 1838, Polly H. Delong

The following affidavits of June and July 1839 are attempts to verify Cornelius' claim to the property. They are of special interest because they include sworn statements by Paul^4 Van Wicklin's eldest daughter [Eleanor Varty who is Helena^5 Van Wicklin] and by Paul's grandson, John^6 Van Wicklin, Jr. The affidavits also indicate that Cornelius, at the time of the affidavit in 1839, had a wife and 10 children--two of them in quite a feeble, sickly state of health.

Affidavit of Joseph a. Keeler, Newcastle District who appeared personally before Dougal Campbell, Esquire, to wit: Commissioner for taking Affidavits in Kings Bench, said district, that J. A. Keeler of Colborne, said district, Esquire and made oath and said that he was acquainted with Cornelius Van Wicklin, who deponent Believes to be a good moral character and who has resided on Lot number ten in the eighth concession of the Township of Cramahe, said district of Forty years arising and has made great improvements on said Lot, that the Eldest son, Garrett Van Wicklin of the late Paul Vanwicklin has lived in the same neighbourhood during said time. Deponent also believes that the Testimony of John Van Wicklin and Mrs. Varty is to be considered true as they are considered good moral characters, and Deponent believes that this Cornelius Van Wicklin is justly entitled to the above mentioned lot of land as Deponent verily believes it was the intention of his Father, the late Paul Van Wicklin and Deponent is further quite sure that the said Eldest son Garrett Vanwicklin is knowing that the said Cornelius is now applying to the (cannot decipher) of Commissioners for said lot. J. A. Keeler, Sworn before me at Colbourne this 2nd day of July 1839 D. Campbell, commissioner For taking Affidavits in the Newcastle District.                         


 Affidavit of Cornelius, Newcastle District. Personally appeared before me, J.A. Keeler, Esquire, One of her Majesty's commissioners for taking Affidavits in Kings Bench for said district. To wit: Cornelius Van Wicklin of Cramahe, said District, living on Lot number 10 – 8th Concession, Cramahe, being sworn, deposeth and sayeth that he was put and placed on said lot of land by his father about forty years ago at which time, he Paul Vanwicklin, his said Father died and left the lot to deponent on condition of giving a comfortable support to deponent’s Mother, which deponent did about eleven years in a helpless state and about eleven years in a more healthy state, 22 years altogether when she Died.  Deponent sayeth his elder brother Garrett never put him in any possession, and that he never forbid him or molested him in any way whatever in the quiet and peaceable possession and use of said lot.  Deponent says he has a large Family, a Wife and ten children, two of them in quite a feeble, sickly state of health. All depending on Deponent for a suppliant. Sworn before me at Colbourne this 12th day of July, 1839, having first been read and explained by J.A. Keeler, Comsr taking Affidavits in Kings Bench, Newcastle District. Cornelius Van Wicklin "X" [his mark] 


 Affidavit of Eleanor Varty, Newcastle District. Personally appeared before me, J.A. Keeler, Esquire, one of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in aforesaid district, to wit: Eleanor Varty, daughter of the late Paul Vanwicklin, locatee of Lot number Ten eighth Concession of the Township of Cramahe, aforesaid District, Deponant says that she heard her Father say on his Death bed just before he breathed his last that he gave and bequeathed the above lot of land to his son Cornelius Vanwicklin on condition that he took good care of his Mother, wife of said Paul Vanwicklin during her natural lifetime, to provide his with the necessarie of life. Deponant says that her said Brother  Cornelius, the said son of Paul did provide her Mother and took good care of her until she died about 14 years ago. Deponent further sayeth that the said son has resided on said lot quietly without any molestation or hindrances whatever for and during the last forty years.  Deponant further sayeth so. Sworn before me at Colborne this 12th day of June 1839. J.A. Keeler, Comsr taking Affidavits. Eleanor Varty "X" [her mark]


 Affidavit of John Vanwicklin Junr, Newcastle District, personally appeared before me, J.A. Keeler, Esquire, A commissioner for taking Affidavits in Her Majesty’s Court of Kings Bench, in aforesaid District, John Vanwicklin (cannot decipher) of the Township of Cramahe and aforesaid District and made oath and said that he has known that Cornelius Vanwicklin (Son of Paul Vanwicklin, Deceased) has resided with his family since the year 1811 (the time Deponant came to the County) and said Cornelius has lived on that same place  ever since being Lot No 10-8th concession of the Township of Cramahe, aforesaid and has cleared on said land about 70-80 acres, built a good frame house and a barn, has dug two good wells for water, and has planted and (cannot decipher) One hundred bearing apple trees and further Deponant has often during said time heard it said by the relations and neighbours that the said Paul Vanwicklin died without making any Written Will, but that on hid death bed, he verbally gave this son Cornelius the said Lot of Land by his supporting his mother and deponant further sayeth no. Sworne before me at Colborne, having first been read and explained this 18th day of March 1839, J.A. Keeler, Comsr taking Affidavits. John Van Wicklin, Junr.


1839 Cramahe, Ont, CAN census lists Cornelius Van Wicklin, 5 males<16, 2males>16 [Cornelius and eldest son?], 1 female <16 and 4 females >16 [Anne and 3 daughers?]. This would add up to 10 children which is what the affidavit of Cornelius claims that he and his wife had in 1838/9. Also, if one checks all Cramahe census pages through the years and connects that data to the data in the affidavits above, one can surmise that Cornelius' mother, Hendrickye, died about 1821 or 1822 because the 1821 Census lists 2 females over 16 [Anne and Henrickye] and the 1822 census lists only one. Furthermore, one can surmise that Cornelius married about 1818 or 1819 in that there was 1 female in his household over 16 in 1818 and 2 over 16 in 1819. We know he was managing his mother's property and looking after her so Hendrickye would have been the one female over 16 in 1818. Presumably, marriage to Anne added another female over 16 in 1819.

1842 Census for Canada West, NewCastle District, Northumberland County, Cramahe Twp, LDS Film #2812226 lists Cornelius Van Wicklin, farmer, 1 British Canadian, 2 US, 1 F - 5, 1 M, married 30 to 60, and 1 F, married 14-45.

Record of deaths, interments and permits for removal; City of Elgin, Kane, Illinois lists Paul J. Van Wicklin who died in Clintonville (near Elgin), Illinois on 5 December 1886 of consumption at age 55. He had been sick for three years. He is described as a white, married, male, farmer. His physician was N.C. Collins of South Elgin, IL and the undertaker was Thornburg and Sudel. He was born in Cramahe Twp, Can. West about Aug/Sept 1831. His parents are Cornelius and Anna (Merretts) Van Wicklin. He had resided in Illinois for 39 years and was an Illinois veteran of the civil war (Private, Co K, 36th Regt, Illinois Infantry Volunteers) courtesy of Fred Van Wicklin via 6 Nov 05 email.

pertaining to children of Cornelius and Ann in part derived from a well-documented and detailed listing of “descendents of Garret Van Wicklin” by Judy Zieg on